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Andressa1E's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Andressa1E's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I do not agree with keeping guns and weapons are a good idea for self-protection. I Know that the State does not provide citizens the security they need. But, the citizens do not know in which situations using a gun is necessary. This is another practice to increase the violence on society. We need to think about something to eliminate it and not thinking about a new way to increase it.

I agree with all the words that Paula and Marcus said. It is very difficult to guarantee that a child will never find a gun at home and as they said, the people could use it against their own relatives.

Having a gun at home it is a very imprudent practice. It is an illusion believe that if you do it you will protect yourself.

1 point

I do not consider an abortion of encephalitic babies as a crime. And I confess that I am very happy to Brazil's Supreme Court had recently approved a Law that allows the abortion of encephalitic fetuses.

I am a mother and I know what a pregnancy represents to a woman and it is really a moment of joy. There is no how to live 9 months waiting for a baby that you know he or she will certainly die right after he or she birth. It is too cruel to women live this sort of situation. It is really respect to women's health. So, they have to decide if they want to do it or not.

1 point

I agree with the idea that technology exists to simplify people's life. Because of that everybody uses technology constantly. Thus, we can say that it is not just the new generations are too dependent on it but, we can claim that all the generations are dependent on it.

Analyzing the humanity's history the humans are always looking for development. So, this dependency it is not recent. Thinking about it one of the most important discovery in our history it was the discovery of the fire and the development of human capacity to control it.

Technology is not just the use of computers and Internet. One can live without Internet but I do not agree that there are people who live without a refrigerator or a microwave, for example.

2 points

(Andressa1E e Sara1E)

Through the data presented by IBGE, it is clear that the deaf community in Brazil should not be ignored. Although, in the present context, we do not agree that the inclusion of LIBRAS as a compulsory subject would solve the problem of the deaf community in Brazil. The fact that the Ministry of Education ignores this form of communication as a language destined to a very specific community puts us in front of a greater problem. It is necessary redefine the social roles of education in Brazil. The fundamental element to construct any reformulation on the scholar schedule is the teacher. The development of the teachers involves the development of the students and the school, what could result in positive answers to all society, including the deaf community. In this case, it is possible to ask a new question: to approve a law like this, are there qualified professionals to teach LIBRAS at Brazilian schools? The answer is no.

The education quality and the quality of teachers’ upbringing are connected. The teachers’ development is a previous condition to the schools’ development. No reform, innovation, or transformation lasts without the faculty.

In one of the most prestigious universities of the country – USP – for example, in the Pedagogia, Education Course, offered by Faculdade de Educação - Education College - there is not a LIBRAS course in its schedule. LIBRAS – Língua Brasileira de Sinais - LIBRAS – Brazilian sign language - is an optional subject that lasts one semester from the Pedagogia – Licenciatura Plena – another modality of Education Course.

We believe that LIBRAS should be part of the education of every professional in this area. The future teachers must be aware of the social reality in order to act in schools, because they need to know about specific and didactic practices and not just about what they are supposed to teach. The professionals available in the job market are not familiar with these practices and are not qualified to work in the classroom.

Another important fact to consider is that there is no space in the schools’ schedules for another subject. When the Senate approves of a law project that includes a new compulsory subject, it will end up replacing a basic formation subject class, such as Portuguese, for example. And this aggravates the students’ education quality level.

The Pisa, Program for International Student Assessment, is a system of international assessments that focuses on 15-year-olds' capabilities in reading literacy, mathematics literacy, and science literacy. Among the 69 countries assessed, Brazil had the 53th position. The replacement of a basic formation subject causes a negative effect on the Brazilian education system. In this point, it would be necessary to redefine the schools’ entire schedule in order to add any other subject.

While MEC does not recognize LIBRAS as a language, reform the Education Courses and increase the time at school in order to complete the students' schedule, it will not be possible to include LIBRAS as a compulsory subject. Any kind of measure that involves social inclusion must be well planned and structured to guarantee its sustainability.

1 point

I do not agree with the girls. I know that teachers lost their authority inside the classroom but I do not believe that it was their fault. I also can not associate the teacher’s image with the image of a professional who works with a feeling of falsehood and hypocrisy.

Some factors are responsible for providing the loss of teachers authority inside the classroom and it is not because teachers adopted “new habits”. Nowadays we have the ECA - Estatuto da Criança e do adolescente – in one hand its existence is extremely necessary. But in the other hand, at some aspects, it establishes more rights than duties. And that can to influence in the behavior of students in the classroom. In the state of São Paulo also have a law that favors the continued promotion. The students do not “need to study” and fulfill their responsibilities, they need only attend classes. Thus, the social role of the students is undefined in school and it can affect their education. These factors eliminate the hierarchy between teachers and students in schools.

I do not believe that hiring younger teachers could help in the relationship between them as said the girls. But I agree that the friendship between teachers and students should be encouraged. Without this stimulus there is no way to the teachers to fulfill their social role in school. It is necessary to narrow the teacher's relationship with their students. If it happens, the teachers can pass on some knowledge to them. And if we think about education, it noticed that the current educational system has only led to the formation of functional illiterates. Therefore, the problems of education are biggest than the relationship between teachers and students. The relationship between teachers and students is just one of the problems to solve inside the schools. But it can be solved through of dialogues and not with repression or with the drive between teachers and students.

2 points

Reading the three first paragraphs of the girl’s argument it was suficient to me agree with what it defends. But the last one made me think more about this problem. I agree that it is necessary more information about what plagiarism represents and I do not believe in severe punishment. The students have to analyse that if he/she do it they are harming themselves. I suppose that plagiarism is not a crime but I defend that its uses is not the best way to develop a knowledge to an academic carreer. But I agree with the boys when they say that "each situation is supposed to be analysed". It is necessary delimitate how far the students can use of this practice.

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