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Thais1E's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Thais1E's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

This law caused a big polemic at the beginning, but I reckon now it is being more accepted by people. Plastic bags indeed causes a huge damage for the environment, for this reason, we must avoid them and the faster and efficient solution to do that was prohibiting and charging for their use. Once people have to pay for it, they will start using other alternatives to carry their products to home, as for instance, the reusable bags or even card boxes.

I disagree with the "against" group when they say that people who can afford it, would pay normally for the bags. I reckon all people, whether, rich, middle class or poor, would prefer use the alternatives instead of paying for plastic bags because even who has money to afford it dislikes to waste money every time with the same plastic bags and prefer to buy a reusable and bigger one and uses a lot of times later. Besides, in a few months people will be so used to carry their own reusable bags that will not even remember that one day it bothered them.

It is really important to think that despite of the inconvenience of carrying a reusable bag everywhere, we are reducing drastically the amount of plastic thrown away and this is a enormous step to start reducing our (human's) impact onto the environment.

1 point

I reckon, as the guys above, that create a quotas system is not a solution. Trying to solve the Brazilian education issue from the top of the educational pyramid, i.e., the university, is not a solution whether we think of its basis, the basic education. I really have my doubts if all the quotas students can follow the classes and the subjects just like the others, certainly there may be a lot of them that can, however, certainly there may be also a lot of them that does not due to their weak and poor basic education, and, because of it, give up. Thus, to guarantee the entering of these students is not to guarantee that they will be able to lead the course until the end and leave the university with a degree. For all these reasons, quotas might not be the priority measure to solve the public education issue in Brazil, but instead of it, improving the quality of the basic schools, books and teachers.

1 point

During this whole week, I passed through a kind of "test" of this dependence of technology: my Internet tone was off all the time, then, I realize how difficult things are without it. I had to open a

real dictionary and find the words instead of doing a reasearch at an online one; I had to find an address in a telephone directory instead of in the usual Google Maps; I had to call my boyfriend

instead of chat with him on Facebook and I had to find other ways to entertain myself during this week: I re-discovered the television, for example. Despite the difficult to adjust myself again on an off-line life, it was a great week because I could realize that there is life out of the computer and we can do everything that we do on the Internet on other ways. It sounds exaggerate, but I think that many of my contemporaries really think that there is no life off-line, however, I reckon this kind of thought is not because people are indeed addicted to it, but because they are so used to its facilities by using its resources that they reckon it would be impossible to do it in other ways instead of using it. Besides, how Paula and Clarissa have already said, generalizing is very dangerous because each person is a different individual and we know that there are also many people from these new generations that do not care so much about technology. Certainly, almost all of us use technology in order to make our lives easier, but, as I could testify all by myself, we can easily re-adapt our habits and do all things without the technology, at the "old manner".

1 point

I am quite undecided in what side should I fit myself in this discussion because the topic is very difficult. I agree LIBRAS should be a compulsory subject at schools, however, I reckon the present time is not appropriate for this inclusion on the scholar schedule due to the teacher's unpreparedness. I reckon graduate's courses or even the school should first, prepare its teachers with good LIBRAS courses, enable them to teach it, and just after, include LIBRAS as a compulsory subject for the students, also clarifying them why this subject is so important for life in society.

1 point

Knowledge is built by both sides of the classroom, on this way, I reckon a severe hierarchy is not so good to the student's learning process. I agree with the girls above that the friendship between teacher and students could be healthy for this process: students feel more comfortable to ask and participate in the classes without fear or apprehension of being wrong, contributing to a better use of the scholar activities. However, is the teacher's duty not let the class become a mess because of this kind of relationship, assuming that friends also respect themselves and the students still be students and still have responsibilities at this position.

Thais1E(8) Clarified
1 point

I agree with Clarissa when she says that people come to college without the proper knowledge about plagiarism. When, at school, teachers ask for a research or a work, the student generally goes to the Internet, do a research and just copy and paste and hand in at this way. So teacher correct it and gives the grade only for the handing over, generally they aren't worrying if the student is just copying. They do not explain how serious is to do this kind of copy: serious for the student learning process and serious for the real author of that work. For this reason, most of the students who gets in college doesn't know exactly what is plagiarism and what is or is not allowed to do in an academic work.

It is very important to school teacher to have the conscience that is his/her duty to guide the student in order to avoid the occurrence of plagiarism at college.

2 points

(Thais1E and tami1E)

When doing an academic work, students are expected to develop their own thoughts about what is being analised. On the one hand, they are supposed to obtain their knowledge by doing research. Based on it, they should gather these informations and from that form their own thinking. On the other hand, working too close with a basis text, following it structures and making it the student’s own thought is something world wide set as an intellectual crime: Plagiarism.

Plagiarism is the use of another person’s work without acknowledging the source. In the academic world, this practice is viewed as an intentional act that reveals the student’s lack of originality and an academic misconduct. The demage caused by this practice envolves three levels: the student process of learning; the non author's acknowledment; and the university role when punishing the student that plagiarizes with total awareness of this practice.

Regarding the demage caused in the student process of learning, they seem not be aware of the danger caused by estabilishing plagiarism as a recurrent tool to build their works. This illegal practice encourages these students to “parrot” ideas, being unable to stand for their own point of view. There is no doubt whatsoever students do not learn when plagiaring. They do not take profit of the sources used because the process of absorbing the informations and building their own thoughts do not occur.The properly use of citations in a student work is made by reasoning the author’s words. Besides enriching the student work , it values the author’s research.

A severe punishment to plagiarists have been widely discussed among universities all over the world. It appears that the majority has set plagiarism as an intellectual crime and students are seen as criminals. However, not all the plagiarists do it consciously. Many of them do not have enough information about plagiarism and what is allowed and what is not. It’s belived that is a professor’s duty to instruct and advise his/her students about the risks and damages of plagiarizing.

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