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mykebee34's Reward Points: 119

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument Should medical marijuana be legal at the provincial and territorial level?
1 Added Argument Homework should be banned
1 Added Argument Homework should be banned
3 Created Debate Steve Avery
1 Added Argument Spiderman vs Batman
0 Added Argument Anyone Home ?
2 Added Argument Poll: Should Andy ban non-debaters on this site?
3 Added Argument Vegans - Whats the difference between killing animals or killing plants.
5 Created Debate Vegans - Whats the difference between killing animals or killing plants.
1 Added Argument Would Donald Trump be a good President?
1 Added Argument Are women of first world countries still being discriminated against?
3 Added Argument Will Hillary beat Bernie Sanders in the primary election?
1 Added Argument Can agnostics be Christian?
6 Added Argument Can agnostics be Christian?
1 Added Argument Was satan given a rough deal ?
0 Added Argument Is atheism ""Simply a lack of belief""
1 Added Argument Into The Future: Food and Water
1 Added Argument Why do parents require work from kids before allowance? Welfare gives money for no work.
1 Added Argument problems shall be resolved by simple negotiations instead of fighting or abusing
1 Added Argument Does racial bias still exist in this day and age?
2 Added Argument Do you believe money buys happiness?
6 Added Argument It's amazing how much time atheists spend tryng to disprove God's existence. INSECURITY?
2 Created Debate CD restrictions
3 Added Argument Do You Believe in God ?
2 Added Argument Do You Believe in God ?
1 Added Argument Are Parents Responsible For Child's Failure?
1 Added Argument Merry Christmas, and Happy Hannukah.
8 Added Argument Should One Be Executed For Murdering One? A life worth another?
1 Added Argument Has god ever made a sin?
2 Added Argument Jesus is Middle Eastern!
2 Added Argument Did god set up Eve in order to give way to original sin?
1 Added Argument Should transexuals need to get a sex change to be considered the opposite sex?
5 Created Debate Is 'coincidence' proof that prayer works?
2 Added Argument Answers me, would you vote for a KKK member if you agreed with him on other issues?
5 Added Argument Makeup, by Definition, Implies Insecurity.
8 Added Argument Did god set up Eve in order to give way to original sin?
1 Added Argument Should artificial intelligence(robots) be created?
1 Added Argument Is Yawheh interchangeable with Satan?
2 Created Debate The loophole for salvation - would you be rebel against god if he existed
9 Added Argument If America turned back to Jesus, would things get better?
1 Added Argument If you had one wish, (not able to ask for more wishes), what would it be?
5 Created Debate Did god set up Eve in order to give way to original sin?
10 Added Argument Does God exist?
1 Added Argument Does God exist?
1 Added Argument Do women and men have an inverse "like appeal" as they become more successful?
2 Added Argument Reality VS Religion

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