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Isabela2E's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Isabela2E's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points


In 2005 around 64% of the Brazilian population opted for the “non-prohibition” of the guns and ammunition commerce all over the Brazilian territory, except for some specific entities. The public consultation used the following question: "Should commerce in firearms and ammunition be prohibited in Brazil?" Voters could choose to answer this question "yes" or "no. Unfortunately, in my point of view, I believe that it happened because the Brazilian citizens do not trust the police. There is a constant feeling of not-punishment over the real bad guys and insecurity, in a way that the sense of making justice with one´s hands prevailed. Some believe that the Brazilian people preferred the "NO" not because they wish to buy guns but because they were afraid of starting to lose their rights. This was also the main argument of the "NO" campaign. I agree with that phrase “less guns, less crimes” Guns can lead to deaths during fights and even domestic accidents; in case of robbery, the one who react to that with a gunfire takes more risk to die. In addition, the guns now legally bought by a citizen in most of the cases end up in the out-of-law´s hands…

1 point

Although some people are for the intellectual plagiarism believing that it is a kind of tool to appropriation and rearrangement of ideas focusing only on the critical thoughts´ and learning purposes, I agree with the others who do consider plagiarism as an intellectual theft and, therefore, deserve to be accordingly punished. How much money, hours and even years of research has a researcher, an engineer, a medical doctor, a movie maker, etc, invested from their lives to end up with their achievements simply copied from others who have the credits which are not from them? It would not be fair if there was no law against it.

1 point

We are not born with the technology, but we are so dependent to it that it is challenging to live without it.

Technology is not bad in itself, but we, people of 21st century, are misusing it. We have become sedentary and as a result diseases which were unknown 200 years ago have now become commonplace. It has helped us understand life better; connecting with people we haven't talked to in years, found cures and vaccines for deadly diseases. However, this convenience has made people fat and lazy. They are always texting, on the computer, or watching TV. Some can't even survive without their cell phones or their iPods/laptops, instead of having real and personal conversations with people. How much of our day is consumed with wires, chips and interfaces? We work, rest and play with technology now.

Why walk when you can use a car? Why play football, or soccer outside when you can have fun with a Play Station, or watch anything you want on Youtube? Why set up a whole school paper from scratch when you can copy-paste from the net? Why study how to spell correctly if checking software does it?

Slowly children are forgetting the old way of enjoying a free time, such as playing tag or going to the park, hiking or playing hide-and-seek. They are sitting in front of a screen the whole day. The future "standstill generation".

You, for example, right now you are reading this article probably sitting in front of a computer. After reading this, you might go on Facebook to ´socialize´ a bit. Then you may watch TV and after doing all of this, you might want to sit down and relax by listening to some music from your ipod. These actions are something we go through on a daily basis. This generation is dependent on technology without even knowing it.

The fact is that everybody wants to grow fast and technology helps fulfill this desire. It also reduces labour and save much time. “The technologies that started out as helpers to our existence have become vital to our everyday lives”. And most people are fooled by thinking they need the newest and the best.

2 points

Before taking any step towards the beginning of a sex education in Brazilian schools, it is necessary to have an educational policy involving the Ministry of Education and Culture – MEC –, Psychologists and Psychotherapists and parents, as well as the schools´ representatives, in a way that a joint action is set within society.

Today’s Brazilian schools do not have enough resources and support to introduce the sex education subject in schools, because there is no adequate support material neither a general standard established on what the teachers would use in class. Besides, as they are not always trained how to properly teach sex education, they start to pass on their own morals and beliefs which may go against the individual's moral and religious beliefs, as well as differ from family values and background education.

Sex education should be taught at home by the children's parents since having it in schools does not substitute the family’s role on that issue, and at the same time both, parents and educators do not believe in the co-responsibility work. Some say that sex education encourages teenagers to start their sex life earlier than recommended. These so-called “classes”, for instance describing step-by-step how to use a condom, would instigate their curiosity impelling them to having thoughts and actions not proper for their age. How many teachers and instructors feel prepared for this task?



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