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Lucas1E's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lucas1E's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, it is a strong inclusion activity. Deaf and mute people are not the majority of the population, but they suffer a lot to be included in society. If people learned at least the basic about this language, life would be much easier for those who have these disabilities.

1 point

I think not only the abortion of anencephalic babies should be allowed, but also the regular abortion. It is right of women to do whatever they think is necessary with their bodies. If the abortion is illegal, lots of women still do it, by illegal means, causing harm to them. Anencephalic babies should be aborted to avoid suffering both to the mother and to the baby, as we can consider them as dead.

1 point

Absolutely. Sex education is very important, mainly nowadays. Children are getting access earlier and earlier to sex content and in a bad way (in most cases). If they were educated about this subject, in proper ways, since early age, a lot of problems such as early pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases spread, could be avoided. The chances of awareness when one is young is higher. Also, it is important to teach children how to behave, how to react and how to understand sex relationsip. We are living times in which sex is something openly discussed, widely explored, massified. Present. And, with it, sexual intolerance, as well. Thus, teaching children what sex is, a lot of issues would be vanished.

1 point

The cold relationship between teacher and student is overpast. It just reinforces the postion of the teacher as the one who holds the absolut truth and the student as the one whose theories are not valid. The relation between the teacher and the student is an exchange, where both parts exchange knowledge and learn from and with each other. Of course, teachers must be respected, as they are the ones who were prepared to teach and pass their knowledge to the others, but the distance and coolness of the relationship between these two parts just turn the studies hard, boring and cold.

1 point

People have always been dependent on techonology. If the theme debated were "New Generations Are Too Dependent on Eletronics and Internet" I would agree, however this is not on topic. When a new technology is created, soon it becomes harder for one to detach from it. Each new techonoly turns life easier and quickly and makes itself a necessity. Not just the new generations are attached to techonoly, but all the previous generations once were attached as well. It is a cycle, hereditary.

4 points

(Lucas1E and Jefferson1E)

Censorship can be defined as the control of the information conveyed by a group of people. Defending morality, claiming to protect society from aggressions and public misrepresentations, censorship has always been an outrage to the freedom of speech and, even worse, to one’s will to access non-modified information. With that in mind, we are against censorship of the media.

The main reason why the media should not be censored is because everyone should be able to decide what is right for themselves, what they want to hear on the radio or read in books or watch on the television. When this decision is made by some organization, the people’s free will is taken away and their consumption of entertainment and culture is manipulated. The public should be the very main judge, the one who actually must choose which information is good for them and which one is aggressive.

How can someone decide what is good or not for everyone? The world we live in is multi-cultural and in the same community there are people educated in very disparate manners, which means they do not share the same perspective of the world and likes or dislikes. Censorship organizations and public groups are based on a minority's opinion. Therefore, they pass on a misconception of what is representative of the majority. They are all based on traditional patterns, whose points of view are limited, inflexible and forbid what they think is not good, while allowing what they believe is. They do not take into consideration the diversity of the society’s cultural background.

For the information to be allowed, many times the ones who created the media that is being censored have to adapt the original concept and it is exactly in this point that the freedom of speech is taken. Generally, censors have hidden interests when they censor any kind of information, and theses interests usually are not shared by great mass. They also do not consider the generation gaps. We can take as an example the censorship during the decades of the dictatorship in Brazil, when the government would censor lyrics that might go against their ideals, scenes of television shows that they would think were harmful to the society’s morals. People should have the free will to choose themselves what is convenient for them to have access, no one needs a group being above them, pointing out what is good taste and what is not.

Concluding, censorship is an old and repressive tool which has been sparing people from accessing original sources and, further on, their rights to choose what is suitable for them to have and what is not. For all those reasons we believe that censoring the media is not acceptable.

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