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Cassio2E's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

During his crusade against slavery, Joaquim Nabuco once said that ending servitude would not be enough, Brazil should strive to eradicate its nefarious consequences.

More than a century after Nabuco's decease, a great deal of social inequalities still inextricably linked to an unfair production system. Quotas would be an effective method to reduce this imbalance, narrowing the gap between rich and poor. In addition, quotas might have a positive impact on the university environment as well, heightening its diversity. In his columns in The New York Times, Thomas Friedman argues that diversity usually fosters innovation as we can see in the highly tolerant atmosphere of the Silicon Valley. Many of our electronic gadgets were developed by multi-ethnic teams working together. Hence, affirmative action should be supported by those who want to live in a fairer country which encourages invention.

1 point

Cassio and Vinicius

Since the IOC announced that Rio will host the 2016 Olympics, there has been a discussion about the main consequences it will bring the city. Some say that it will be good because it will project the image of the country abroad. The ones who say so are probably neglecting the cost of building behemoth venues which will not be utilized after the Olympic Games. The lessons of the Pan American Games were not learnt by Brazilian authorities, who think they can indulge themselves in spendthrifts financed by citizens. Our politicians are more worried about appearing side by side with sporting idols than about people’s welfare. The money which will be spent could easily be invested to help the needy by means of health or education.

Besides this, the so called “urbanization improvements” in the port area seem to intend to create a Disney type landscape which will further benefit real estate speculators. On the outskirts of Rio, people will continue to suffer from problems like the lack of sanitation and the precariousness of the public transport. Hence, these Games will only wide the gap between the rich and the poor, which can worse issues related to safety in the long run.

This imprudent adventure will look like a spectacle on the TV. Notwithstanding, the real costs and consequences of the Olympics must not be overlooked and its woes will become clearer after some few years.

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