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Gilberto1E's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Gilberto1E's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

It's important to remember that several criminals have serious mental diseases, that would need a high investment not to cure them, but just to treat them in way they could not hurt another individual. I don't entirely agree with this measure, but in the special cases aforementioned, those criminals aren't being good neither to community, neither to themselves, with a remote chance to fit in society again. In those particular cases, probably death penalty should be practiced in Brazil.

1 point

I think that even with a great amount of investments, the return will be enough to pay any debt. The economy probably will hit up in a lot of sections, making the country grow increasingly.

Argue about the social problems that Brazil is facing for many years, and there are things more important to do, isn't face the issue in a practical way. These are chronic problems, with hard and gradual resolutions. Even if the government decides that tomorrow everything is gonna be different, will take several years to this social issue has some improvement.

However, the political ambient is extremely vicious, as everyone knows. With or without olympics, the social problems will not be resolved. Then, the best thing to do is promote the country's image with the event, promoting not just the market, but the image of Brazil for future investments.

1 point

It is important establish that parents have an important role in the education of their children, but is either important that the subject of sex is discussed elsewhere that the young attend. Sex has been a taboo for several years, but nowadays it’s losing forces, principally to media. Since they are treated in magazines and television, why not in schools? The media is concerned with the market, and how to reach it, and the way sex is approached by them is totally arbitrary. The school role is teach, and in a world of such transformations, teach about sex is instruct the children how to deal with all that arbitrary information as well.

Moreover, children and adolescents are discovering the limits of sexuality in increasingly early age. The instruction without myths and prejudgment given in alliance by the school and parents could be a good way to young people learns to deal with that, improving even the issue about prevention and sexually transmitted diseases.

2 points

Normally, people feel attracted to the idea that crime decreases limiting the access to firearms by the law. In Brazil, which has several rules regarding keep weapons to self-protection, is common to notice an armed robbery. As an example, marijuana is an illegal drug, full of law restrictions, but still commonly used in Brazil. This kind of restriction just tries to resolve the problems by the consequences, and not by the causes. Permissible laws concerning weapons and guns are not the real problem of criminality, but the bad income distribution and poor quality of life. While the bad income distribution remains, likewise keeps the high number of deaths by guns. Try to remove the weapon of the criminal hands is not the solution, but give reasons for the criminal that he doesn’t need to live that way.

2 points

(Gilberto1E and Silvia1E)

Commonly, the idea of legalization concerns with transforming an unregulated activity into a regulated one, so that the State has greater control of it. Once the State can act in a coercive way if necessary, there’s an improvement of security, transforming that activity, now professionalized, in something less harmful to society. But the problems involving prostitution can be really solved by this measure?

In general, people usually believe that with legalization of prostitution some dignity would be conferred to prostitutes before society. But something that cannot be forgotten is that dignifying prostitution as work doesn't mean to dignify only prostitutes, but procurers and brothels too. Prostitutes should never be punished for their own exploitation, but when State is legitimating procurers and brothels as well, something must be wrong.

Procures already have failures in their values once they are willing to act against the law, and accepting those individuals with the same rights as any other will not make them more moralistic. Furthermore, with a more delicate situation, in the case of women, the brothels represent the maintenance of inequalities between male and female.

To legitimate prostitution probably ends up increasing the demand for it. As a legal practice, people feel more stimulated to pay for sex, with increasingly permissible range of acceptance by society. In addition to the growth of the activity, this new permissible perspective teaches new generations to deal with sex as a commodity, creating a reference of humans as objects. In addition of that, especially for women, the legalization transforms into a barrier to the achievement of gender equality.

Therefore, even with legalization that activity remains with several problems unsolved. Taking into consideration that prostitution is not a desirable social phenomenon and is considered as a barrier to human values, and mostly a barrier against equality between men and women, the legalization is probably not the solution to the problem.

2 points

The discussion about compulsory voting tends to permeate the question of freedom of expression, but it’s important to understand a significant difference between individual freedom and the freedom of individual added to their social condition. When people defends that voting should not be compulsory, they usually put the situation in a way of freedom as a private law. But freedom of voting can’t be compared as liberty to buy something, or the autonomy to go somewhere, freedom to vote is a subject that concerns all citizens, and not just one.

Much as the vote is done individually, a human being is enclosed in society, belonging to a certain stratum, and this means they have similar habits and thoughts. Consequently, certain social groups cease to voting - as a consequence of historical reasons involving social exclusion - marginalizing themselves of the political process. Therefore, voluntary voting becomes a problem, once the politicians elected will be far from the ideal of representatives of the people.

The welfare of the individual is under the tutelage of well-being of society, and democracy goes toward individuals exercising their rights according to society, which means not harm the social. For this reason, voluntary voting, as a private law, goes against the concept of democracy and the well-being of society.

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